An unexpected and unplanned pregnancy can come as a shock. But you have the right to end a pregnancy if you’re not ready to carry it to term. You may not be financially stable, you may not feel emotionally ready, having a child might disrupt school or other plans – whatever the reasons, it is your body and your decision on whether or not to have an abortion.

You should know that abortions are an extremely safe and proven medical procedure. In fact, many women report that getting an abortion “felt less invasive than a standard gynecological visit.”

However, outside forces try to make it as scary as they can. Anti-choice people and laws seek to make you ashamed and afraid. Parents and family may not approve. Some states require mandatory waiting periods and counseling to try and change your mind. Other states outright forbid abortion which will require you to travel out-of-state for care. And, of course for many, figuring out how they’ll pay for the cost can be majorly stressful.

Assuming you have decided that terminating pregnancy is the best option for you, finding the best abortion clinic can make the whole process way less scary. How? By supporting your decision, giving you honest information about the options available to you, providing the best possible medical care, being compassionate and caring throughout the process, and even helping you find ways to cover the costs.

You should expect all that from a great abortion clinic. But not all abortion clinics are created equal. So we’ve prepared this guide to help you pick the best abortion clinic for you. It will cover everything you need to find out or ask so that you can be assured of receiving the safety, compassion, and high-quality services you deserve!

Let’s start with an overview…


The top 12 ways to select the best abortion provider

The top 12 things you’ll want to find out to select the best abortion provider:


  • Do they have experienced and professional physicians and medical staff?
  • Do they have great reviews?
  • Does their facility look nice, clean and modern?
  • Does their location work for you?
  • What procedures do they provide?
  • Do they have affordable, all-inclusive costs with no hidden or surprise fees?
  • Can they provide you with financing help?
  • Are they pro-choice?
  • Do they cater to people from anywhere with no racial or gender bias?
  • Is their staff supportive and caring?
  • Do they offer free parking
  • Lastly, do they have free Wifi?

Now, let’s unpack each of these in more detail…


Choose a clinic with experienced and professional physicians and healthcare staff.


Laws regulating abortion provider qualifications vary widely from state to state. Part of the reason is that many conservative states have been attempting to add additional regulations so that fewer clinics qualify, thereby restricting abortion access. Many but not all states require that a licensed physician be the provider performing an abortion procedure.

So given how complicated this all is, how can you determine if a given abortion clinic meets high professional standards? There are a few ways.

The easiest and most direct way is to ask the clinic about what standards they meet and about their experience. Here are questions to ask:

  • Are your physicians or medical staff licensed or board-certified?
  • What professional medical standards do you meet?
  • What doctor or doctors head up the clinic?
  • How long has your clinic been in business?
  • How many procedures have you performed?

Don’t be shy. These are all perfectly reasonable questions to ask someone providing medical care!

You can also determine an abortion clinic’s professionalism by the questions they will ask you. Here’s what to expect:

  • How far along is your pregnancy?
  • When was the first day of your last period?
  • Where are you coming from?
  • Are you going to drive or fly?
  • Are you specifically looking for medical abortion (the pill) or surgical abortion?

Ask the clinic about their process.

The best abortion clinics all have a thorough process that meets standard best practices. So ask what you can expect when you go for your appointment. You want to be sure that they will fully medically assess you to advise you on your best options for abortion. Confirm that they do all the following:

  • Gather a comprehensive history of your current pregnancy, previous pregnancies, and past medical and surgical history.
  • Thoroughly review the information provided by you and your referring doctor.
  • Review the results of blood tests, swabs, smears, and any pregnancy ultrasound conducted.
  • Conduct a vaginal examination if necessary or indicated.
  • Evaluate your emotional well-being and possibly discuss the reasons behind your request for an abortion.
  • Coordinate additional medical tests if required.
  • Discuss suitable methods of abortion and their availability.
  • Provide contraceptive options and prescribe as necessary.


Check the reviews to see what other women say.


Abortion clinic reviews

Want to know what kind of experience you can expect from a given abortion clinic? See what other women who have gone there say! Just Google the clinic and look at their Google Business Listing. It will include reviews from former patients. See how many stars they get in their overall average – from 1 to 5. And read through the reviews to get see what other women think about them.


Does their facility look nice, clean and modern?


You’d expect a medical establishment to be clean and modern, right? Well not all clinics are. Ideally, it would be great to be able to go to the clinic in person to see the facility for yourself and to get a feel for the place and see if it’s clean and if the staff seems friendly and caring. But for most women, that is simply not an option!

If you are like most and not able to visit an abortion clinic beforehand, you will need to do your best to check out the clinic online. Here are a few tips to do that:

Look at a clinic’s website

  • Is their website clean and professional looking?
  • Is their site informative and helpful
  • Do they say anything about their facilities?
  • Check out any clinic photos they have up


Check Google Business Listings and Reviews

  • Look at any photos posted by the clinic or by patients
  • (You can also do a Google image search for a specific abortion clinic)
  • Read reviews to see what other women say about their facility and experience as a whole

Find out as much as you can online and trust your gut. If a clinic it doesn’t vibe with you, then look for another where you feel more comfortable.


Consider location!


In 2020, the Supreme Court ruled against the landmark decision of Roe v. Wade from 1973, which legalized abortion. The result is that each state now has the power to enact its own laws regarding abortion. Many states outlawed it. Some are tied up in legal battles. Some states have defended women’s right to choose.

So before seeking a clinic, make sure that abortion is legal in your state. If so, a quick Google or Bing search of phrases such as “abortion clinic near me,” “best abortion provider,” or “women’s clinic near me” should instantly locate the top-rated clinics in your area.

If abortion is NOT legal in your state, you’ll need to travel to another state where abortion is legal. However, keep in mind that the geographically closest state where abortion is legal may not be the best choice for you due to differing state laws.

For example, for a woman living in Atlanta, Georgia – North Carolina is the closest state where there are abortion clinics still performing abortions. But North Carolina only permits abortions up to 12 weeks and requires a mandatory 72-hour waiting period. If you are under 12 weeks pregnant you can get the procedure, but you will have to travel twice to the clinic. If you are over 12 weeks, you will not be able to get an abortion at all in North Carolina. So if you are over 12 weeks pregnant and/or don’t want to have to travel twice, Alamo Women’s Clinic in Carbondale, Illinois is actually your closest option. We serve women up to 18 weeks with no waiting period so you can do it all in one appointment.

Sadly, it’s more complicated than it should be so you will need to do some homework. Look at all the nearest states where abortion is legal and then look up the rules for each to see that you can get care for how far along you are in your pregnancy – and also look up online if there are mandatory waiting time requirements. Consider what travel options are available for you – car, bus, train or airplane and factor travel time and costs into your plan. And you can Google search “best abortions clinics in ______” fill in the blank with the state or town you are looking in to find clinics you can contact.


Confirm the abortion clinic offers the procedures you need.


For any clinic you are considering, you need to make sure that it provides all the services and best quality care that you may need. Sadly, some clinics lie about what they have available, so you need to positively confirm what they do actually offer.

To find the best abortion clinic for you, check and confirm that they can provide medical and surgical procedures and even counseling. When you call or visit the clinic, you can ask the following questions:

  • I’m considering abortion. Can you explain the different procedures available?
  • Can you walk me through the steps involved in the procedure itself?
  • What should I do to prepare for my appointment?
  • Do you offer aftercare and follow-up services to ensure my well-being?

It’s important to that the staff is knowledgeable and comfortable answering your questions.

Note that which procedures are available to you will depend on how far along you are in your pregnancy. There are two main options:

  • Medical Abortion: This involves taking two pills with the doctor’s guidance either vaginally or orally. These pills are called mifepristone and misoprostol, otherwise also known as abortion pills. You will take the first pill at the clinic, and the second one at home. You may be asked for a follow-up appointment to confirm pregnancy termination.
  • Surgical Abortion: If during the first-trimester medical abortion does not seem like your cup of tea, you can schedule a surgical abortion, also known as a D & C (dilation and curettage). This is a minimally invasive procedure that uses vacuum aspiration to remove the contents of your uterus.
  • In the second trimester, or if a medical abortion isn’t suitable, scheduling a surgical abortion, typically performed through D&E (dilation and extraction), is necessary. This procedure takes more time compared to a medical abortion and requires a follow-up visit to plan for.

Rest assured; you won’t have to make the decision alone. Following your medical exam, your doctor will guide you and explain which option is most suitable for you, empowering you to make an informed decision.


Make sure they have affordable, all-inclusive costs with no hidden or surprise fees.


The best abortion clinics are open and honest when it comes to their fees. If cost information is not available on their website, then call and ask them about the TOTAL cost to expect. Affordability is an issue for many, so you don’t want there to be any surprises. The cost should include everything you need without any surprise extras. Also ask if free pain medicine will be provided. Clinics such as Alamo’s Women’s Clinic provide flat rates without any hidden fees or charges.

Some clinics try to lowball the cost they tell you only to surprise you after the fact with various add-on costs you did not expect or provide for. Any clinic that you talk to that dances around the subject of cost or seems vague in any way should be avoided.


Can they provide you with financing help?


You may be worried about how you will pay for an abortion. But the best abortion providers will lay out all options available for you. Money should never be an obstacle when it comes to healthcare needs. But be fully honest about your financial situation upfront so you can understand what options you have.

For any abortion clinic you are considering, ask them if they have any financial help available or can guide you to organizations that can help with funding.

You can also look for funding help on your own!

You yourself can search online for abortion funds in your area or where you’ll have the procedure. These are often funded by donations and can cover some or all of the costs. They might have eligibility requirements, so check those out before reaching out. Don’t be afraid to contact multiple organizations for help! At Alamo, we can help direct you to organizations that can help you with the costs.

The National Network of Abortion Funds is one sight we highly recommend as they have a ton of funds listed all in one place. You can visit them at


Be sure the abortion clinic is pro-choice and supports your rights.


This may seem like a no-brainer. If a clinic provides abortions, they MUST support your rights to get one, right? Well… not necessarily. There are many facilities that masquerade as clinics that really aren’t whose real goal is to stop you from getting an abortion! (We’ll talk more about them later.)

Some women like to choose women-run clinics as they feel their medical staff will be more understanding and caring. But in reality, any clinic can be supportive of YOU. Here are the things you should look for:

  • Judgment free – They won’t try to make you feel bad for your decision.
  • Caring and compassionate – This is just something you will have to judge for yourself when dealing with them, from the initial call to an office visit.
  • Patient in explaining procedures and your options – They show their respect for your judgment by helping you make informed choices.
  • Protects your privacy – Given the unjust stigma surrounding abortion, a safe abortion provider will readily assure you and explain how they maintain confidentiality.
  • Safeguards your security – It is a sad truth than many abortion clinics are plagued by protesters who harass women seeking an abortion so ask the clinic what measures are in place and what security exists to help you safely enter and leave.


Does the abortion clinic cater to people from anywhere with no racial or gender bias?


No one should be made to feel like a second-class citizen on account of their race or gender identity. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to get a straight answer if you simply ask an abortion clinic if they are biased in how they treat people. You can judge this from how they treat you and by observing how they treat others when you are in the office. Also see how diverse their own staff is as an indicator that they embrace diversity.


Is their staff supportive and caring?


Pregnant individuals may want to terminate their pregnancy for many reasons. It may be due to health reasons, personal circumstances, not consenting to sex and so on.

A 2013 study analyzed the reasons why people seek abortions in the USA, and here’s what it found:

  • 36% felt that the timing wasn’t right for them financially or mentally
  • 40% indicated financial reasons of which 4% mentioned lack of employment, while 0.6% had no insurance or government assistance
  • 31% did not have a stable relationship with their partners, of which 8% wanted to be married before they had children
  • 12% had medical concerns
  • 7% were not independent or mature enough to raise a child
  • 5% were influenced by friends or family

Whatever your reason might be, the best abortion clinic will not judge you for it or find any of your reasons invalid. Their sole focus should be on making you feel safe, comfortable and cared for. Before you even interact with a clinic’s staff, you can online reviews to see what other women say about how sypportive and caring they are. Then too, be nmindful how they treat you!


Do they offer free parking?


If you will be driving to the clinic for your abortion procedure, then knowing you have a free place to park your car can be meaningful cost consideration. Another thing to ask about is how the clinic can guarantee your safety from protesters from the parking lot to the clinic doors.


Lastly, do they have free Wifi?


As is true for any medical procedure, when getting an abortion, you will have waiting times between specific procedures. Having access to free wifi is a big plus so you can communicate and entertain yourself on your mobile phone to make the time go more quickly.


Beware Fake Abortion Clinics!

Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Why You Should Avoid Them


Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs), Pregnancy Care Clinics, Pregnancy Resource Centers, or facilities with similar names that include the word “pregnancy” not “abortion” may look like abortion clinics – but they’re not! These fake clinics are actually run by religious, anti-abortion groups whose mission is to discourage women from getting abortions and access to birth control.

Their goal is to encourage you to give birth and keep the baby or give it up for adoption – both of which may not be a viable option for many and the reason why they chose to go with an abortion in the first place.

During a desperate search for the best abortion provider, it may be difficult to find a legitimate clinic. Here are some telltale clues to help you spot a CPC or fake women’s clinic:

  • They do not disclose their complete and proper address and instead try to arrange a meeting in a public place.
  • They will be sketchy on the details and procedure of the abortion… or abortion procedures they provide.
  • They avoid the topic of an abortion and try to steer the conversation back to options of giving birth.
  • They provide you with disinformation, try to scare you and talk about abortion myths.
  • Instead of offering a follow-up, they would turn you to government hospitals for further evaluation.
  • They have signage or posters that are “pro-life.”
  • They do not and will not refer you to abortion clinics.
  • They look just like real clinics, sometimes even next door! They might target low-income areas and communities of color.
  • They might offer free pregnancy tests and checkups, but not give you a copy of the results and even lie about the results to convince you that you have no options.
  • They might even offer ultrasounds, but who’s doing them? There might not be a trained professional to properly use the machine, let alone interpret the results.

Unlike real clinics, these CPCs might not have to keep your information private. This could be a huge problem later, especially if abortion becomes illegal in your area. The info they collect on you could be used against you, or even the doctor who helps you. They will even scare you with myths about abortions.


Final Helpful Tips


If you have an unwanted pregnancy, contact abortion providers as soon as possible!

As stressful as it may feel, if you are considering an abortion start calling abortion providers as soon as possible to identify the best abortion clinic for you. The longer you wait, the fewer options you’ll have. And if you wait too long, abortion won’t be an option!

Expect some counseling – which is not a bad thing.

Getting in touch with an abortion clinic does not mean you can get an abortion right away. All abortion clinics offer counselling to people who may want an abortion. This helps those seeking abortion to make a more empowered and well-informed decision. You can also get counseling after your procedure by talking with impartial, non-judgmental counselors to deal with any overwhelming emotions.


Alamo Women’s Clinic: Supportive Care for Your Reproductive Health

Having access to safe abortion services is vital for women’s health and well-being. It allows individuals to make informed choices about their bodies and futures. Clinics like Alamo Women’s Clinic prioritize safety and confidentiality, ensuring a dignified and empowering experience.

Seeking a safe and confidential abortion clinic in New Mexico or Illinois? Alamo Women’s Clinic offers compassionate care and online scheduling to meet your needs. We prioritize your privacy and provide individualized attention in a supportive environment. Check out our website, or call us at 1-800-821-7237 with any questions. Our team is here to help!